Photo Printing


  Next Day Pick up Same day Pick up
Provided Services Glossy Photo (2R/3R/4R/4D/5R/6R)
Matte Photo (4R/4D/6R/8R/8F)4
ID Sticker Photo 8/16 PCS
Glossy Photo (2R/3R/4R/4D/5R/6R)
ID Sticker Photo 8/16 PCS
4R Price from HK$ 3.0 from HK$ 5.0
Earliest pick up time Next day 3pm1.1 Same Day1.2
Order cut-off time Before 23:592 2.5 hours before the business hour of selected shop ends
Upload Methods Google Photos, Google Drive, uHub Plus, Dropbox or Local Upload3
Min. Charge $20 (Web shopping cart supported multiple sub-orders) $20 (For each transaction)

Next Day Pick up

Provided Services
Glossy Photo (2R/3R/4R/4D/5R/6R)
Matte Photo (4R/4D/6R/8R/8F)
ID Sticker Photo 8/16 PCS
4R Price
from HK$ 3.0
Earliest pick up time
Next day 3pm1.1
Order cut-off time
Before 23:592
Min. Charge
$20 (Web shopping cart supported multiple sub-orders)

Same day Pick up

Provided Services
Glossy Photo (2R/3R/4R/4D/5R/6R)
ID Sticker Photo 8/16 PCS
4R Price
from HK$ 5.0
Earliest pick up time
Same Day1.2
Order cut-off time
B2.5 hours before the business hour of selected shop ends
Min. Charge
$20 (For each transaction)

1.1 In case the next day of order date is a non-business day of the selected shop, pick up date will be defered to 3:00 p.m. of the next business day.

1.2Earliest pick up time is 2 hours after the business hour of selected shop starts.

2 Order cut-off time for “Next Day Pick Up” service is 23:59 everyday. Order date for order placed after 12:00 mid-night will be updated to next day and pick up date will be updated to the next day of the order date accordingly.

3 Max. 300 images per upload and max. 16MB per image. All uploaded images will be compressed without affecting output quality.

4 Matte Photo service not available from "Same day Pick up" and need 2 working days.

5We offer ID Sticker Photo (1.5"x2") (8pcs/16pcs) reprinting services for both Next day Pick up and Same Day Pick up

Other Services:Other dimension photos or Englargement & Cropping [#Coupon are not applicable.]

